Yes! Of course we like red, especially our graphic designer, he can tell you how much he looooves the colour red!
Nope, we are 100% volunteers and do it for the love and support of you guys! Plus tasty treats are always awesome hint hint 😉
One of us! One of us! We’re always super keen to bring new dedicated volunteers onto the team. Find a team member and ask them whats involved or ask to
Unfortunately we do not have network cables to lend out, however our sponsor PLE will have plenty for sale in their Booth during the event.
Red Team is your one stop shop for most issues and anyone wearing a Red T Shirt can direct you to them, however if it is of a sensitive nature
Yes! RFLAN is a streamed event that is organised by our very own #streamteam. The links will be posted on our website during the event and our Twitch feed can
Yes however we highly encourage you to join in the group orders that are organised by the canteen as it’s very hard for delivery people to find you at the
RFLan is an all ages event and is alcohol and drug free.
Do Bring: Desktop or notebook PC, monitor, keyboard, mouse, and power cords Basic 4-outlet Power board 5 to 10 metre network cable Headphones. (No speakers.) Driver and software cds, game
Absolutely, your ticket entitles you to your assigned desk. You can come and go as much as you wish during the event however make sure you have your pass at