Since its inception in 2000, RFLAN has been entirely managed and operated by a group of passionate unpaid volunteers, all of whom share a love of gaming and a singular dedication to running the biggest and best gaming events in Western Australia.

The passion of our volunteer staff base has been met only by our equally passionate community of attendees. The early days of our events featured no internet connection, many large CRT monitors, 150 attendees and fun events including the “Monitor Relay” and “Hard Drive Shot Put” at the Cannington Exhibition Centre. In 2011 we moved to the newly constructed Curtin Stadium starting out with 400 and growing to a record breaking 864 attendees picking up a 10-Gigabit internet connection along the way and many single game tournaments hosting 200+ people.

On the tails of that passion and success our organisation has faced a number of challenges over the past 3 years including attendance and volunteer fatigue as we navigated an ever-changing landscape of popular LAN games, improving internet connections and COVID. With the cancellation of RFLAN #68 in July 2021 and a tiring volunteer team the membership of Red Flag Lan Fest, Inc. voted unanimously at our recent 2022 AGM to voluntarily close the operations of the Association.

While there will be no future RFLAN events, we know that RFLAN will live long in the memories of everyone involved, as well as via our GitHub (, where we will publish the source code for many of the RFLAN-developed applications that powered the event over the years. Expect that to appear over the next few weeks.

Photo albums of every event from RFLAN #1 to RFLAN #67 can already be found on Facebook under Photos, Albums, See All for those wanting to reminisce and relive the action.

While RFLAN may be just a memory, LAN gaming in Perth is not! There are a number of events which run throughout the year, and we encourage the RFLAN community to engage with them to satisfy your LAN gaming bug:

WA Inter-Uni LAN:

On behalf of all members of Red Flag Lan Fest, we would like to share our deepest thanks to our loyal attendees, sponsors and volunteers, past and present, who all contributed to 67 epic events of one of Australia’s largest and longest running LAN parties.

Comments and discussions on our facebook page.